The Hunter College Campus Schools is committed to our mission as publicly funded, selective admission schools for intellectually talented and gifted students. Our schools strive to reflect the city they serve by admitting and educating a population of students who are culturally, socio-economically, and ethnically diverse.
Our community is committed to supporting classrooms and extracurricular activities that challenge our students and embrace their lived experiences. We strive to be a welcoming and warm community of students, parents, faculty, staff and administrators.
We affirm our belief that all children benefit from schools that are diverse, inclusive and equitable. As educators, parents and students we acknowledge that diversity is a broad value that includes racial and religious background, cultural identity, language spoken at home, immigration status, gender identity and gender expression, sexual orientation, neurodiversity, special needs and socioeconomic status. HCCS seeks to provide academic and social spaces where every member of our community is seen for their authentic self and has access to the unique educational experiences available at the Campus Schools.
To that end, this page of our website documents some of the ongoing equity work since 2020 to explore practices, policies, programs and procedures to confront barriers and to ensure equitable school experiences. From the 2020 Hunter College Presidential Task Force and its subcommittee reports, to the HCCS DEI consultant’s focus groups in the Fall of 2022 to the ongoing work of the HCCS administration on our three-year plan, starting in SY 2023-24, we share our aspirations, suggestions and steps forward.