HCHS Science Research hosts the Inaugural NYC HS Student Science Research Conference
HCHS Science Dept Research Faculty (Mr. Park and Ms. Gonzales) and the Science Research students created the 1st NYC HS Science Research Conference, hosted at HCHS on Saturday, November 23rd. Over 200 students from HCHS, Stuyvesant, Brooklyn Tech, MHS for Math, Science & Engineering, Briarcliff HS and Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics came together for professional speakers, student led panels, a poster fair in the gym and networking. Five HCHS Science Research alum returned for the panel and Hunter College's Dr. Mandë Holford's gave a lively keynote speech on animal venom and her research; Dr. Tirtha Kamal Das closed the conference with his fascinating work with integrated fly-vertebrate modeling.
Congratulations to students for their logistical work to bring this amazing event to life. Special thanks to all the NYC science teachers who accompanied their students and especially to Mr. Park, Ms. Gonzales and Dr. Jeffery for their vision and commitment to science education and student reserach.