HCHS Asian Cultural Society meets with Judge Chin

The Asian Cultural Society brought Judge Denny Chin to visit HCHS on May 17th to speak to students and faculty.  Judge Chin is a United States Circuit Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and is co-Director of the Center on Asian Americans and the Law at Fordham Law School.  He presided over a number of noteworthy cases in the district court, including cases involving Megan's Law, Google Books, and the United Nations Oil-for-Food program, as well as the trial of an Afghan warlord charged with conspiring to import heroin and the guilty plea and sentencing of financier Bernard Madoff.  

He was the first Asian American appointed a United States District Judge outside the Ninth Circuit and the first Asian American appointed to the Second Circuit.  Judge Chin and his wife Kathy Hirata Chin have written, produced, and presented, together with a team from the Asian American Bar Association of New York, a series of reenactments of historic cases involving Asian American litigants.  He has taught Asian Americans and the Law at Fordham, Harvard, Yale, and Columbia Law Schools.

Thanks to ACS advisors Ms. Ong Ante and Mr. Park for connecting him to our campus.
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