HS Science Research Students travel to Washington DC for Regeneron STS Public Fair

HCHS research students traveled to Washington, DC with advisors Mr. Park and Ms. Gonzalez to support our own Ashley Z, a top 40 finalist and to view the other top 40 finalists exhibits during the public day on Sunday March 9th. Many of those studying the exhibits are highly motivated younger students who aspire to enter the Regeneron Science Talent Search in their senior year of high school.

Everyone at HCHS wishes Ashley the best in these final days of the Regeneron Science Talent Search.   Finalists meet leading scientists and distinguished national leaders and visit institutions of historic and political importance.

Thanks to the HCHS Alumnae/i Association for sponsoring this trip!
Hunter College Campus Schools
71 East 94th Street 
New York, NY 10128

Elementary School: 212-860-1292
High School: 212-860-1267
Professional Photography © Laura Dwight