If you are new to Calendly this year, please follow the instructions "New to Calendly." If you have already used Calendly for PTC last term then follow the instructions "Modify Calendly from last term."
A general suggested order of operation is stated below in Overview Steps. Overview Steps:
Set up/configure the Parent Teacher Conference event.
Invite select parents for one-on-one sessions with the event link.
Share your link with your department chair, who will add it to a list which will be shared with the parents.
New to Calendly
Please use the links below and then come back to the list of instructions to continue.
Make sure to integrate your CUNY Zoom account with Calendly. This will allow your Parent-Teacher Conference event to create a Zoom link to each parent that signs up. If you do not want your event to do that and want one link for all your parents contact Julian on IT on the proper way to do that.
Make sure you integrate your Google Calendar with Calendly. Calendly uses it to help determine your availability. Even if you do not use Google Calendar for work, this is a necessary step.